Cords and Pins are used to
create an "Expanding
Connecting Strap".
Shortener Extension is
buckled into the connecting
strap buckle, with the pin fed
through to hold it in place.
This shortens the hopples for
the beginning of the race to
prevent the horse from
breaking gait.
PVC covered cord goes back to
the sulky with a hand loop for
the driver. When the driver is
satisfied that the horse is
balanced in its gait, the cord
is pulled to release the pins
and the hopples are
immediately lengthened,
allowing the horse to lengthen
its stride.
Cord (the colour may vary)
with Stainless Steel Pins
Pins are also available
for separate purchase
Coloured cords are a
safety requirement for harness
racing in many countries.
Please check with local
authorities for rulings in
your area.