Fine Patent Blinkers/Cheeks - Shetland

RRP: $90.50 (inc GST)
Code: 444282
An elegantly proportioned, patent finish blinker, suitable for ponies and larger horses who have more delicately shaped heads.

This improved design includes a neater, more streamlined appearance to the stays, and deeper blinker cups to allow better clearance to the eyes

The wire-filled stays may be shaped to achieve a customised view.

This style is available as an option in all Classic harness sets.

Minimum Length: 20cm (7 3/4")
Maximum Length: 24cm (9")
Cheek Width: 13mm (1/2")
Blinker Size: 11.5cm (4 1/2") Long x 11.5cm (4 1/2") Wide
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